Sell Old Things

You Can Help.
sell on ebay

Sell on Ebay

When your sell your own items on Ebay, you can donate part of the proceeds to us.

To do this, you just need to select the Charity option when creating your eBay item listing, and search for Help Hikkaduwa Strays (that’s what we used to be called).

You will then have the option to donate anywhere from 10% to 100% of your sale price to us. :-)

Sell at Car Boot Sales

As well as being another great way of getting rid of things you no longer need, car boot sales are also a great way to meet people and get chatting.

If there are no car boot sales planned in your vicinity, you could consider holding your own.

To help attract business, you could put some of our leaflets on-show.

The money that you raise you can then send to us via any of the methods on our one-off donation page.

Send to Us

Do you have anything you think we could could help us?

Things like:

  • Unwanted brand new clothing
  • Shoes
  • Bags
  • Teddies

You could post them to us, for us to sell directly.

Our address is:

Saving Sri Lanka Strays
Chapel House
Water Street

Thank you. :-)

Please Donate

Help the stray and wild animals of Sri Lanka with a monthly donation.

Mahatma Gandhi quote - The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated
Petition to the Government of the United Kingdom

"End the Crisis of Unwanted Dogs Being Bred and Killed in the UK"

Sign & Share

Petition to the Government of Sri Lanka

"Call to Ban Firecrackers That Are Being Used to Kill Elephants, Dogs and Other Animals in Sri Lanka"

Sign & Share

Own an Ethical Business?
Your business here

Please get in touch if you would like your products or services featured on Saving Sri Lanka Strays.

Contact Us

Feeling Lucky?
6 bottles of M&S wine

Fancy a case of 6 bottles of quality red or white wine from M&S?...

Then buy a raffle ticket!