More of Our Rescues

You Can Help.

Here are a few more of the thousands of cats and dogs we have rescued and helped so far.

Pandi Poddi

Pandi Poddi is the 3-legged brown dog in this video.

She was saved as pup after she got hit by a train and needed her leg amputated.

Video of Pandi Poddi

Adorable Cat with a Poorly Paw

A lovely Sri Lankan family that didn’t have the funds for veterinary treatment took this poor stray in with a growth between its pads.

In return for a kind, loving permanent home, we covered the cat’s veterinary bills.

Another life saved. :-)

Video of Adorable Cat with a Poorly Paw!


Abandoned by his owners, we found Ben starving, covered in ticks and with a huge abscess on the top of his leg.

He had tick fever and was dying.

Luckily, we managed to save him and he made a full recovery.

Videos of Ben


Cheese was rescued from the streets of Sri Lanka by Chamila and lives happily with nine other cats rescued from the streets.

We ensure Cheese is fully vaccinated, provide his food and cover any veterinary costs he may have.

As with all our animals, Cheese is neutered to prevent further unwanted kittens coming into the world.

Video of Cheese

Please Donate

Help the stray and wild animals of Sri Lanka with a monthly donation.

Mahatma Gandhi quote - The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated
Petition to the Government of the United Kingdom

"End the Crisis of Unwanted Dogs Being Bred and Killed in the UK"

Sign & Share

Petition to the Government of Sri Lanka

"Call to Ban Firecrackers That Are Being Used to Kill Elephants, Dogs and Other Animals in Sri Lanka"

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